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Saturday, 8 October 2011

How To Make Money with Google Adsense Keywords? In Few Minutes You Can Finally Discover How I Went From $10 To $10,000 Per Month Using Adsense Websites.

How To Make Money with Google Adsense Keywords?  In Few Minutes You Can Finally Discover How I Went From $10 To $10,000 Per Month Using Adsense Websites.

Google AdSense Arbitrage - Can You Make Money Online With it?

To explain what Google AdSense arbitrage is, let me first talk about what Google AdSense and arbitrage is and later, if it can make money online for you.

What is Google AdSense?
Google AdSense is a system which serves contextual advertising or content ads. These are ads that are targeted to the content of a website. So if the site content talks about dog training. The ad served will be related to dog training for example, ads on dog training books or dog training tools etc.  

What is arbitrage?

It is the process of buying something to make a profit from it. In this case buying traffic from Pay-Pay-Click (PPC) search engines such as Google AdWords. Then sending that traffic to a website to generate more revenue. With the goal of making more than you spent on the traffic.

So let’s say you bought traffic from Google and are paying 10 cents per-click for it. 100 hits would cost you $10. You send that traffic to a page with adsense ads on it. You get 20 clicks on your adsense ads. Each click earns you $1 (if it is a high paying market). The total revenue generated is $20 which means you made $10 in profit.
What is AdSense arbitrage?
AdSense arbitrage is commonly known as buying traffic from PPC search engines such as Google AdWords and sending it to a page with AdSense ads on it to make money.

Can you make money online with Google AdSense arbitrage?
In the past you could make money from AdSense arbitrage. But now search engines such as Google has wisened up to this practice.

First of all to pay less for your PPC traffic would mean having a very search engine friendly website. It would take time to make your site this good. And you would need many sites to make a good amount of money from arbitrage.

You would also need to be in a market that pays out a lot per click (on your AdSense ads) but then that would also mean that the traffic you buy would cost a lot too. This makes it harder to make a profit.

There are other search engines you could use apart from the big 3 which are Google, Microsoft’s Bing and Yahoo. These other search engines are commonly known as “2nd tier” search engines. But I found that their traffic quality is not as good as the traffic from the big 3.

The traffic from 2nd tier search engines may be cheap but can be worthless. Why? Sometimes the traffic is artificially generated by programs. So you are not even getting a real visitor to your site.

And if you send this type of traffic to a site with AdSense ads on it, Google won’t think twice about shutting down your AdSense account. Even if you had no idea the traffic was bad.  

So how can you make money online with Google AdSense?

The best way is to use free traffic generation methods such as forum marketing, blog marketing, video marketing and especially article marketing.

It will take a while to build up the momentum and get good amount of traffic to your site. But your site will get free traffic which means pure profit. And this traffic will continue to grow over time and you will make money long term.  

And now i would like to invite you to download your FREE eBook "Traffic Generation for Newbies" when you visit: RealWaysToMakeMoneyOnline.org/FreeeBook.html.

Read this eBook and you will learn the real ways to make money online and avoid the mistakes that stop 95% of people from doing so.


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